I need a quick answer and HELP.

DARE OF DARIUSZŁaznów 6097-221 ROKICINY KOLONIATEL. 6017499382017-09-12

Letter crying begging for help.
Hello let me introduce myself.
Dariusz Staszek 40 years old, upper secondary education (attachments)Civil Status married, father of two daughters age 6 and 10.Currently working from February 2017 to August 2018
Before I start writing about the main problem, I write something about myself.I live with my children and wife in less than 32 square meters, in my wife's house because I come from the Inowrocław area. House is big but unfortunately lack of funds for further development makes us nest but there is peace and harmony and somehow we have been doing so far. My Father's business is quite extensive, but for his help, I have nothing to count from the angle I remember. I was always the bad son, without perspective, and I kept hearing that I was worth nothing. I grew up at home where money was a topic and not a family. In spite of this, frequent beatings in childhood affected my psyche at a later time, the lack of respect for Me and the Sisters as well as the Mother, the Social withdrawal. Continuous struggle with peers in the past and from all over the world, and it is at the look and feel that I am a disabled social unit.
Years of struggle and without the help of your neighbors have allowed me to break away from the gehenna that was My family home. I graduated with good results of the Higher Studies, I passed the Obligation of Sovereignty towards the Polish Nation and also gained many professional qualifications.
As to the period of employment, how could I be a sensitive and empathetic person and open to people trusted by the Father and his company instead of continuing to work in the profession. More than 15 years of garbage contract with the Father Company or so. Without registration, because something had to be lived.
When I started my family I thought that my fate would improve. My mood was because of the inner traces of the past. But still I was stuck in the father's machine as an orphan, an outcast even had no respect for My wife, and now he needs help, too.
Family peace broke two tragic car accidents one after another in 2004, which resulted in permanent sickness SA (annexes). Nevertheless, I continued to try to take care of the good of the family home which I live and the people coming from my surroundings. Always helpful and supporting people in need.
It was 2017-07-25 when I learned that my life is threatened because I was diagnosed with SEPSE (attachments), the fight for hospital life gave a positive result. I'm living today. I have regretted that God did not take me from the ether of the world.
Sadness and depressive state from which I get worse today after visiting the Commune Social Assistance Center and when submitting Educational Benefit for children from the Resort 500+I was charged that I was taking the 500+ benefit for the first child without a leg.On behalf of the Law I am a good believer at the same time and so far enjoying a non-reprehensible opinion I have been treated so. My job, which I took from February 2017 to July 25, turned out to be my fault, as I did not know as a man after the search for salvation I hired by the Temporary Employment Agencies for money not worth the effort. I am a disabled person since 2007 with a moderate degree of disability.
The question why I did not inform GOPS about getting a job. My answer:I did not know it by my illnesses, the internal struggle of daily stress or social rejection. I have already mentioned the Depression, but she will not let me die.
I ask you to tell me if there is a chance to write off the amount of return from 500+ and it is not little because 2500zł (two and a half thousand zloty).I know I made a mistake, but now I'm hard, and I know that only faith will get out of the sickness and start working to be normal. I know I'll probably be forced to suck up the money and give it back if that's what I've done in the State. I count on a bit of sympathy and although I am redeeming half of this amount if possible.I never did any harm to anyone. Well, I have a bad luck in life but maybe in the future fate will help me and take me from this terrible world.
I sent attachments for analysis.I need a quick answer and HELP.WITH SENSE Das Staszek
For people with good hearts, give your account number to Support in these difficult times for me:29 89850004 0090 0978 5721 0001 Darek.


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