You can live

You can live and function remembering the rules of hygiene, do not buy products that contain cardboard packaging because this virus and other crown SARS / 2002-2004 loves the mutation on fibers, bread, cardboard, etc., while it disappears at high temperatures.
  You should move a lot, sweat and drink hot liquids and somehow there will be less fear. Sokoro virus is present among us, sitting at home among closed plastic windows will not do anything, or we will stop the plasma from other compounds or we are going for a walk cool ticks there is still no such weather in two weeks will hatch.
  As a toxicologist, I tell you that buying excess bread will not do anything unless we buy hot bread, why for what if frozen bread loses these natural properties? I understand the human fear of my loved ones but why the news sucked from my finger fuel the network for incorrect behavior. Yes, quarantine but for those with suspected virus or other viruses, infections. After all, there is a risk of getting dirty hands disease, measles which also causes sepsis and other chemical compounds with which the human body must fight every day. People are obsessed with chaos and fear and the risk of civil war is in the air.
  I understand the strong bond of Poles but this is not the way to wind up, everyone has a different opinion on this subject. Anyone with knowledge can try to look for a solution instead of fueling inappropriate behavior.
  What to do at home, dedicate time for loved ones and provide assistance in everyday household chores. The risk will pass and you will have to find yourself in the gray reality.
  My opinion, what I think about it may seem sick to others, but the apogee will occur only in the first half of April and the risk will cease on the day of the arrival of summer, i.e. in June. To sum up, the number of deaths in Poland will increase and also infected, simulation predictions are 100 fatalities at 2,000,000 infected, where other problems will increase and the economy will go out of the hole for the next 7 years. But these are only my beliefs.


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