
Alone alone among the four walls because the bastard was supposed to come and still collapses, you get a text saying that something fell out and a lime-tree with smoke. With this "smoke" it is figuratively because you say nothing by force small. Your heart come strong today is cut by a few guillotines and a laser for max-a until you clench your teeth and your own eyes are enchanting this dirty, poppy man, baby dog.

I will tell you so come alone I belong to this dirty race but no damage and pits under no one digging it I do not support this male hypocritical pig race! I support and heal female souls and body. I penetrate and penetrate like a Nucleosynthesis with the most gentle delicacy that has ever seen the light of day, I pass on the magic of words I do not release them into the wind because they will not reach you because they are too far.

   You sacrificed yourself for him, you did what he wanted and now you have nothing of it, come on you don't hide that sometimes you enjoyed it, but what was and is not written in the register, right?

     Now listen to me, close your eyes, part your lips slightly to catch the winter breeze of the afternoon city smog, part your thighs so that you feel loose and tense your thoughts to the west meridian because there will be no wind today. Do you see these brightly colored colors of music do you smell the jasmine smell bass and treble and the same relaxing sound. And continue swimming deep into the ocean and the noise and flutter of Albatrosses introduces you into the world of magic, and those dolphins that you love so see how nice and delicate their backs will carry you as far as possible into the depths of the black land, where there is no pain, worries and worries. And you would like to stay there permanently, right?

      But this despicable gray reality, where the color of tar and the smell of rotten sperm is everyday life already makes you barely open your eyes already penetrates already damn pain.

So if you want to travel further into the better corners of your thoughts, write, I'm waiting here for you.



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