"Between waking and sleeping" - living through guidelines.

 Did each of you walk once, looking at the happiness of other people, envied them what they have. Have you ever moved your eyes to the world of other civilizations for a moment while closing your eyes and that it is easier to live there.
   It was a long time ago and the thing works in the countryside. Beautiful surroundings among forests, fields and meadows gave off positive energy every day. As soon as the dawn came and the first rays of sunshine were coming from behind the window to a small room, which was located in the attic of a modest wooden house.
  A little boy who grew up alone, without siblings, only wild birds and animals lived modestly. This modesty deviated from the noise of a crowded city from the whirr of the engines of cars, which always fed without purpose. He was healthy because he lived among the forests breathing fresh air.
But as sometimes happens, he missed something. He missed something, chased thoughts and had a dream for a little boy.
 Years passed and he grew up and understood that this silence and peace will not be accompanied by the necessity and the day must come when he will have to leave this shady and become an adult man.
     A young boy named Feliks was fifteen years old. He continued to chase his dreams, he kept his surroundings intact, and in his spare time he spent a nice time photographing nature. He loved to take pictures of the fauna and flora and what he liked. He often went to the river, because the riverbed ran not far from his farm near the beautifully divided meadow where he grazed cattle, sheep and goats on a daily basis.
 Often Felix went fishing, because there in silence and zadsumie he could spend time without the hustle and bustle, as I already told a great civilization.
Not known for the young man was this great technique, this big cyber world, because he did not have a laptop or a smartphone like most peers.
  He was a savage so they called him at school, although he stood out from other pupils in learning achievements. He dreamed of becoming a vet to help him suffer in everyday suffering with the inhabitants of the villages and forests, because animals are the greatest allies.
  Years passed, like life, year after year, and little Felix seemed to freeze in his gray everyday reality as if he would fall asleep without looking at his watch. He will wake up, but not the same dream already dreams no longer the dreams in his mind. Now before his eyes I will see what he defended for so many years. Yes, beloved young Felix will now have to fight against this great civilized world.
  Will he still be good for his friends from the forest and the village. Will he be able to defend them and help them when the need arises?
     At the age of ninety, he left his home nest, his beloved home among forests and ancient trees, he had to leave for the big city leaving his parents and the daily singing of birds and the airiness that gave him energy.
    And so Feliks got to Wroclaw an old city one of the most beautiful with rich history and culture in Poland. He came here alone, with heartache, he will now miss his little homeland, which somewhere goes there and supports him.
He will study veterinary as he dreamed. Sam will have to fight civilization and what follows the everyday life that prevails in this city.
Knowing Felix, he'll be fine, because a strong character and self-control will help him. After nikat, he also fulfills his dreams, which I think he does little by little.
        Today came the day of his twentieth birthday and thus the second year as he gave up his family place. I do not feel sad anymore and I miss you so much. You can see the city, and he often visits his homeland. Somehow time flies and he writes his daily scenarios for the future.
     When he was a student, he met a beautiful girl who loved nature as much as he did and wanted to devote her future professional life to veterinary medicine.
Together, they traveled through this great world fulfilling dreams. Young Feliks was already being tormented, he became a responsible and good man.
  And come more than once jealous of the world and so fate that his mazry met and came to the goal.


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