Plis to help with me

So my story, like a horror story, happened in 2017 and suddenly I was sick with the organism, so-called Sepsis Sepsis, a deadly disease. After a month of fighting, I won to live because Jez
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My story, like horror, happened in 2017 and suddenly I got sick with the disease of the body, the so-called Sepsis Sepsis, a deadly disease. After a month of fighting, I won to live, to be with my wife because I was 7 and 11 years old. I went home to work at home for sickness insurance, to work like for the last 22 years. But in 2018-09-16 there was a relapse of this disease. Sepsis struck harder than the lack of strength, struggle for life and hospitals. I write to you because I expect support in the form of Christmas daughter packages in the form of sweets, books or toys because our budget pichlonie treatment, life and I do not know how it will continue. Count on you, my friend can manage you to organize a collection or you have another The idea is good. Darek


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