It's fun in the circle.

It's fun in the circle. I am a person who is characterized by the fact that he is immune to people, I see people. I just love people and in the depths of my Heart I have been hacked out on their relationship or occurring with UFO or with Father Rydzyk. I do not know if Someone is reading My deeds now because most of you receive this letter as not collective, or without composition or order or in other words not grammatical. I am just pounding Me, I will tell you who says anything about Me or Thoughts do my own and dot. Well, people have run the last few times when Uroseps has caught up with me with multi-organ efficiency. I asked the donors for honor for blood, because it was not necessary for surgery. Well, it's hard to find them and every day everyone would help what is a Polish generous nation that is helpful. I will say nothing for nothing. We Poles have now learned to rely on each other a few of us really want to help and I can do it with the rest. I help myself. As for the help and faith in God, I'm also convinced of it.
And it was so listen. The time has come, long awaited by my daughters and wife of a dream holiday for which we deserve a hard work. Suitcases packed and a man full of joy because after a long months of waiting and finally a hurray. and here you have three days before the trip it turned out that I was caught up by Seps, a parasite that confused holiday plans in exchange for giving life. Nothing terrible happened in comparison to the illness, doctors told me during a long hours of surgery and a fight for life. But I, as befits a "zodiacal ram," cried I was afraid I would not go on vacation. Now it is nonsense but what the brain then functioned differently. Therefore, this year nothing and plans nothing for a long time.Do I thank God or doctors for being here among you?This is the theme "river" if I would believe it so God but if I believe I do not know. After all, someone prayed for me and prayed for such people must be also. As for Me, I believe in existence for Earth and in God too, but I do not trust the Father and fortifications in which, when proclaiming the word of God, they ask for "God Bless". After all, there are many Hearts that wait for the Gospel for a real message and not for the politicized sentences contained in the message.It is not in Life that this priest's message should be taken, because the priest himself is also included in the list of professions performed in order to be able to function from the water and the air does not live on everyday existence, the money must have the truth.
Listen now, "I'm sitting like a rooster on the quarry" why and that the sepsa heal for a long time and I can not go to work, although I would like to. What's important is that I go but finds a way out of it, trying to take care of my time, not to be bored even of television, I do not have time to watch the day. Recently I made a match-house with my seven-year-old daughter Zuza, and every day I try to keep the house clean, I cook, clean, I wash my thoughts so that they do not take up space in my brain cells.
I am supported by the strength of character, knowledge given by my parents and the university and the fact that I am not a zero because I have my opinion because I know who I am and who I want to be and that at the age of 40, you can do a lot if you really want to.
Maybe in a few months I will return professionally, but will it be in the hands of doctors?
Please, please. Keep your fingers crossed for me.Thank you.


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